Policies & explanation of additional fees
The following are KC Ad Club’s Entry Policies and Explanation of Additional Fees for our local American Advertising Awards competition. These policies and explanations apply to both professional and student competitions and are relevant to our local club only. They are not comprehensive and are not intended to replace the National American Advertising Federation’s Awards Rules and Categories. For comprehensive instruction, please refer to Professional Rules & Categories (PDF) if you are submitting an entry in the professional competition, or Student Rules & Categories (PDF) if you are entering the student competition.
Competition Rules And Categories Questions:
To ensure your competition experience is successful, the American Advertising Awards Program Manager is available to answer all of your entry questions. Please submit your inquiries prior to submitting your entries to avoid resubmission fees. Please send your inquiries to aaa@kcadclub.com.
There is no limit to the number of questions you may ask.
To ensure you receive an answer prior to a posted submission deadline, email your questions as early in the entry process as possible. Ask early, ask often.
This is a free service. You will not be billed for the time we spend helping you prior to your final submission.
All entry fees are non-refundable. Please ensure you enter correctly as a member or non-member, based on your membership with KC Ad Club.
Non-Member Entries Submitted As Member Entries:
If you are not a paying member of KC Ad Club and submit your entries as a member, you will be sent an invoice for the difference between the entry fee for non-members and the entry fee for paid members.
Prior to being invoiced as a non-member, you will be contacted with the option to pay membership dues and waive the additional non-member fee.
An additional fee of $45 will be assessed when a non-member enters as a member; this fee covers the difference between the non-member and member entry fees.
These fees are not assessed for non-member entries submitted correctly as non-member entries.
Entries Deadlines:
Entries deadlines are determined and posted in advance. You are responsible for submitting your entries on time. System time outs and failures happen. It is up to you to anticipate them and plan accordingly.
Entry deadlines include submitting your entries online and delivering your physical pieces in person at the drop-off location. If you submit your entries online prior to the deadline but fail to submit your required physical pieces prior to the deadline, your entry will be considered late.
Early Entry and Final Entry deadlines are firm to the minute. Entries submitted one minute past the deadline will be considered late. Please plan to arrive with your physical entries at least 30 minutes prior to the deadline.
You MUST have all physical pieces properly marked with your entry number attached. Entries submitted in person without proper documentation attached will be charged a resubmission fee.
Incomplete And/Or Incorrect Category Submissions:
KC Ad Club's policy to charge a resubmission fee is in place because of the extensive amount of time it takes to thoroughly review every entry, identify potential disqualifiers or missing pieces, follow-up with entrants to discuss necessary changes and schedule additional drop-off times for submission of missing pieces. The entire process is complex and time-consuming.
A resubmission fee is charged for each entry that is submitted as incomplete or requires any change.
All entrants who submit incomplete or incorrectly categorized entries are charged a resubmission fee.
Every entrant is given the opportunity to ask as many questions as needed prior to submission to properly submit each entry. Please ask your questions ahead of time. Please do not wait until the last day to ask questions. Please do not ask us to waive your fees.
The resubmission fee for incomplete or incorrectly categorized entries is $25 per entry.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the policies or fees set forth in this document.
Thank you! We wish you all the best luck in this year’s competition!
Rachel Dougherty
KC Ad Club American Advertising Awards Project Manager